A path of spiritual practice to achieve extreme knowledge.
Significance of Tantra in Hindu Iconography
Significance of Tantra with cosmic and supernatural knowledge is very deep as ocean in Hindu Iconography. Hindu Iconography is the great source of Philosophical rituals and store of high contemplation from ancient days. It's a independent iconography, in which there is a way of adore or worship deities, description of code of conduct with to make its way under the desired wishes. Tantric text books was written as "Manu-Scripts" and some of them are preserved it with different library or organizations in original. But there are lots of tantric scripts books which are missing. We find the earliest description of Tantra in "Rig Veda" (a religious Hindu text-book, which was written in the beginning of the creation of the world. It combines two words: Rig meaning "Parse or Verse" and Veda meaning "knowledge") and the other three Vedas (Atharvaveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda), where the word Tantra is described as a "loom" (a weaving device to make cloth). It is used to get the knowledge we need to weave through or learn Vedas. Tantra represents as, some set of doctrines with spiritual practices and rituals, to get psychological healthiness, respect of every element of this Universe, behavior, kindness, purity, physical attractiveness, with most significant salvation. In Kamika Tantra (a text book of Tantra) it is described as a combination of two words: 'Tan' and 'Tra'. Tantra reflects extensively abundant and deep matter, because it is related to the principles of reality or truth called "Tan". It also consists of the holy chants and its endowed liberation or salvation. The "tra" is the principles of reality or truth (sattva) with a combination of mantras. Vishnu Puran (a text book dedicated to Lord Vishnu) also contains description of spiritual practices and rituals. There are various sects in Hinduism, followers or scholars who follow this way of exercitation known as Tantra. Tantra is classified as various sects in Hinduism. Vaishnava's (followers of Lord Vishnu and observing the path of Satwa Guna) called Samhita, Shiva's (followers of Lord Shiva and observing the path of Rajo Guna) called Agama and Shakta's (followers of Parvati or Kali and observing the path of Rajo Guna) called Tantra. Conversation of Lord Shiva and her spouse Parvati is the only source of Tantra, in fact conversation of both was written by scholars as Tantra. And Baikhanak is related to Lord Brahma.In availability Tantras, there are four main thoughts :
1. Gyan (Knowledge), in this section, there is a huge description of the mysterious effect Mantras, with Philosophy.
2. Yoga, to keep mentally and physically fit and to observe the supernatural powers hidden in self's body.
3. Kriya, in this section there is a main thoughts to worships and making of idol and temples.
4. Charya, in this section there is a description of celebrations in festival, different Vrat or lent and social rituals and celebrations.
According to philosophic view, it's divided in three ways, 1. Dwet 2. Adwet 3. Dwetadwet.
Tantra is divided into four branches, 1. Agama 2. Yamal 3. Damar 4. Tantra. First and the most significant is Agama, in which Lord Shiva is a narrator and listener is her spouse Parvati, while it’s reverse is known as Nigama where Parvati is narrator and listener is Lord Shiva. It’s first listened by Lord Vishnu and accepted by him, Vishnu tells to Ganesha, Ganesha to Nandi and its come to followers. Shaiva and Shakti Agam is exuded by Shiva with his five heads, in this aspect of five head, he is known as Panchavakatra, i.e. 1. Ishan 2. Tatpurush 3. Sadhojat 4. Vamdev 5. Aghor. Every name symbolized a kind of power, known as i.e. Siddha (accomplishment or success), Anand (pleasure or Joy), Icha (wish or desire), Gyan (knowledge) and Kriya (work) respectively. Lord Shiva manifests himself in three central aspects, which is known as Shiva (distinction aspect), Rudra (traversed distinction aspect) and Bhairav (Promiscuity aspect). According to this manifestation, he create different groups of Agamas.
Shaiv Agama : Lord Shiva, divided himself in different ten aspects and gives everyone a special knowledge from his undivided great knowledge store. first Shiva he is known as :
1. Pranav Shiva and the Agam is KamikAgama
2. Sudha Shiva and the Agam is Yogaj
3. Divpta Shiva and the Agam is Chantya
4. Karan Shiva and the Agam is Karan
5. Sushiva Shiva and the Agam is Ajit
6. Ish Shiva and the Agam is Sudiptak
7. Sukshma Shiva and the Agam is Sukshma
8. Kal Shiva and the Agam is Sahastra
9. Dhanesh Shiva and the Agam is Suprabhed
10. Anshu Shiva and the Agam is Anshuman
In the form of Rudragama, it’s divided into 18 Agamas as :
1. Vijay RudrAgama
2. Niswash RudrAgama
3. Parmeswar RudrAgama
4. Prodgit RudrAgama
5. Mukhabimba RudrAgama
6. Siddha RudrAgama
7. Santan RudrAgama
8. Narsingh RudrAgama
9. Chandransu RudrAgama
10. Virbhadra RudrAgama
11. Swayambhu RudrAgama
12. Virakt RudrAgama
13. Kauravya RudrAgama
14. Mukut or Makut RudrAgama
15. Kiran RudrAgama
16. Ganit RudrAgama
17.Aagneya RudrAgama
18. Vatul RudrAgama
In the form of Bhairavagama, it’s divided into 64 aspects.
1. Swacha 2. Chand 3. Korch 4. Unmatta 5. Asitang 6. Mahocchushma 7. Kankalish 8. ………… 9. Brahma 10. Vishnu 11. Shakti 12. Rudra 13. Aathvarna 14. Ruru 15. Betal 16. Swachand 17. Raktakhya 18. Lampatakhya 19. Lakshmi 20. Mat 21. Chalika 22. Pingal 23. Utfulak 24. Vishwadha 25. Bhairavi 26. Pichu Tantra 27. Samudbhav 28. Brahmi Kala 29. Vijaya 30. Chandrakhya 31. Mangala 32. Sarva Mangala 33. Mantra 34. Varna 35. Shakti 36. Kala 37. Bindu 38. Nata 39. Shakti 40.chakra 41. Bhairavi 42. Vina 43. Vina Mani 44. Sammoh 45. Damar 46. Arthavakra 47. Kabandh 48. Shirachched 49. Andhak 50. Rurubhed 51. Aaj 52. Mal 53. Varna Kanth 54. Tridang 55. Jwalalin 56. Matrirodan 57. Bhairavi 58. Chitrika 59. Hansa 60. Kadambika 61. Hrilekha 62. Chandralekha 63. Viddhulekha 64. Vidhunman.
According to Shakta branch of Tantra; its 64 Tantra and 327 Uptantra, Yamal, Damar and Samhita.
Agama is also associated with Vaishnava sect, apart from Shiva and Shakti. Vaishnav Agmas are clissified into two part, one is Baikhanas and second is Pancharatra. Baikhanak is the name of a sage and his nine pupil 1. Kashyap 2. Atri, 3. Marichi 4. Vashistha 5. Angira 6. Brighu 7. Pulatsya 8. Pulah 9. Kratu pramoter of Baikhanak Agama.
On the basis of ‘Pancha-Prakriya’ of Vaishnavas’s, Pancharatra Agma had created. Yagya or any religious rituals ceromony, which is to be completed in five nights and Lord Narayan (Lord Vishnu) is the editor of this Vaishnava Agama. According to Vishnu Tantra, earth, water, fire, air is told as five nights. 1. Brahma Ratra 2. Shiva Ratra 3. Indra Ratra 4. Nag Ratra 5. Rishi Ratra, comes according to this Agama. Sanat Kumar, Narad, Markandaye, Vasistha, Vishwamitra, Anirudha, Ishwar and Bharadwaj etc. sages are promoter of this Agama.
Yamala :Literally, the meaning of Yamal is joint or duet, it's is based on the the conversation of duet Gods, like Bhairav and Bhairavi, Uma and Maheswar (Parvati and Shiva), Shiva and Brahma, Narad and Mahadev etc. question and answers parley. Hindu Iconography belived, Shiva and Shakti are same, Shiva is in the form of Shakti and Shakti is in the form of Shiva so in Yamalas both are questioner and listener. According to Varahi Tantra, 1. Shristi, the World, 2. Jyotishi, Astrology 3. Nityakrit Varnan, daily routine work 4. Kram, sequence, 5. Sutra, source 6. Varna Bhed, distinction of species 7. Jati Bhed, distinction of cast 8.Yug Dhram, work according to eon, discussion on these topic made, is known as Yamla. In Bhairavastak under Bhairavagama, there are eight Yamala knon as : Brahma, Vishnu, Shakti, Rudra, Aarthavarna, Ruru, Vetal and Swachand. Yamala are mainly eight : Brahma Yamala, Vishnu Yamala, Rudra Yamala, Jayadrath Yamala, Skand Yamala, Uma Yamala, Lakshmi Yamala and Ganesh Yamala.
यामिनी-विहितानी कर्माणि समाश्रीयन्ते तत् तन्त्रं नाम यामलम्
According to above Sanskrit line, deeds which should be prescribed in only night is known as Yamala, as the Tantric practices keep in secret shadow. Difficult spiritual practice process with night prayer, is mention in Yamalas. Those who knows the secrets mystery of Shiva and Shakti, is only practice according to Yamala, so it’s associates with spiritual practices of secrets mystery. There are six main : 1. Brahma 2. Vishnu 3. Rudra 4. Ganesh 5. Ravi 6. Aditya.
Damara : Narrated by Lord Shiva, there are six Damara’s 1. Yoga 2. Shiva, 3. Durga, 4. Saraswati 5. Brahma 6. Gandharva.
Tantra : Nigama, Shiva is a listener and narrator is her spouse Parvati, Shakta Tantra. And Rahasya, Nigama, Arnava etc. it's huge.
Tantra, is not only covered the matters related to spiritual practice or Hindu Iconography. It's also included with description of Ayurveda, Jotish or Astrology, Yoga, Herb science, Human body Science, Medical Science, Astronomy, different Animals and Birds Science etc. Which help us to keep fit, be healthy, huge source of Ayurvedic Medicines,benefitsof different herbs, provide mental strength etc. In Sarva Vijayi Tantra, there is a description of treat different disease through mantras and herbs. Every plant or herb have some medicinal properties and the medicinal benefits of a herbs are described in some Tantras. There is a various ways to fulfill different desire though herbs and roots like Tulsi, Neem, Sahadevi, Gunja, Swet-Ark etc, body parts of different animals and birds, seeds as in Tantra. Like a flower name Aparajita or Neelkant (hindi and sanskrit), Clitoria Ternatea (botanical name), Butterfly-pea, Blue-pea, and Cordofan-pea (english), is enriched with different types of medicinal field and used for treatment and fulfill of different desire and it's describe in Aprajita Tantra.
About the origin of Tantra
There are main two believe, about the origin of Tantra. Some believed Tantra originated from Kashmir (Agama class) and some believed Tantra originated from Bengal. Bengali Tantriks carried and plays important role to spread Tantra to different parts of Indian sub continent. Several scholars from Bengal went over Tibet, China and other parts of Indian sub continent, stay and settle down and wrote Tantric scripts. It's also because of the maximum number and most significant Shakti-Peethas are situated in Bengal region, like the first among goddess "Maha-Kali" belong to the Peeth in Kolkata named Kali-Ghat, the capital of West Bengal state of India."Kamakhya" now is in attach to Guawhati of Assam state in India, is the most powerful and significant for Tantric practices and rituals. Genetic organ of Sati or the first wife of Lord Shiva fell here and the Power resides in this place is named Goddess Kamakhya or Tripur-Sundari. From ancient days, still there is lots of scholars of tantra, who are staying in there in Kamakhya. It's a grate Tantric Peeth or place where the scholars perform or practice Tantric rites and got blessing and boon. From, ancient days, this place is famous for black magic, Tantric's, amazing and marvelous incidence like to make a human being to animals etc., marvel. A place named "Mayong" or also known as city of Black Magic, 55 km north-east from Kamakhya is famous for back magic. Mayong in the capital of Pragjotishpur (the ancient name of Assam state), The rules of Mayong was also grate devotee of Goddess Kamakhya. Tantric scholars lived between Kamakhya to Mayong. And the most significant is Tantric procedure or rituals roam across Shiva and Parvati or their other incarnations.
Important contents of Tantra
Tantra deals with Creation, Dissolution, Worship, Supernatural powers etc. subjects, but the main aim of Tantra is to attain Siddhi or accomplishment with supernatural powers and Liberation from death and birth cycle called Moksha. Tantra accept the principles of death and rebirth. In Tantra human body have 3 crore arteries and veins called Nadi, in which three main Ida (left side and a symbol of Moon), Pingla (is on the right side, symbol of Surya or Sun) and Susumna (in center) which exist in spinal cord of human body, prominent for liberation or salvation. These three nadi's have with slept supernatural powers and awake by the process or practice described in Tantra.
Human body also consist of Kosas or distance, 1. Anna-maya or made of food, 2. Prana-maya or control of Breath 3. Mano-maya or state of mind 4. Vijnana-maya (special consciousness), Ananda-maya (Consisting of Joy).
A human body is with existing of Six Chakras or Nerve-Pexus, named 1. Muladhara 2. Svadhisthana 3. Manipura 4. Anahata 5. Vishuddha 6. Ajna.
A Sadhak or performer is divided into three classes, as the principles of Gunas. Natural properties, which are Satwa Guna (Sustain-er), Rajo Guna (Creator), Tamo Guna (Destroyer), creates this human nature. 1. Divya-Bhava 2. Vira-Bhava 3. Pasu-Bhava are those three human nature. Humans are the best animals in the World, so the person leads a family life or who want to achive the position of Vira and Divya Bhava, they should start worship according to the rituals of Pashu-Bhava or Dakshinachar.While the rituals described in other two ways, Vira Bhava & Divya Bhava is not for every one, those achieve a high level or position in practice or Sadhana, would follow these rituals or with a guidance of Guru or Master. Know More
“Guna or गुण” (properties or natural qualities) are three types of forces which are divided into three categories. These three types of forces are categorized as ‘Sattwa’, ‘Rajas’, and ‘Tamas’. According to Hindu Vedic Philosophy, every living and nonliving element, thoughts, visible and non visible forms are created with these three natural properties. For the smooth conduct of operation of the Universe, these three forces or properties are very essentially required. Creation is not possible without destruction and sustenance. For e.g. Birth is related with Rajas force or creative energy, Life is related with Sattwa force or sustain-er energy and Death is related with Tamas or destructive energy. and thus all three of these are significant. As worship or spiritual practice or perform is also distinguished by these three qualities; worshipers of Gods are believed to follow Sattwa Guna, worshipers of demigods are believers in Rajas Guna and worshipers of ghosts and spirits are believers of Tamsi Guna. Heaven is related with Sattwa, World is related with Rajas and Hades is related with Tamas quality. Food which we get in non-violent methods (i.e.,without killing or hurting other living beings) belongs to Sattwa and the rest belongs to Tamas. Work and thoughts which are non-profitable, charitable, unselfish in nature, and are without any specific desire, are symbolized by Sattwa. Anything that yearns for gaining profit and are full of desire are symbolized by Rajas, and finally, violence, hurting others, being selfish are symbolized by Tamsi. Although these qualities seem to vary for the different Gunas, but they are closely inter-related with each other, all are complement of each other. If there is something created, its existence compulsorily calls for destruction at the end, otherwise creation will lose its significance.
According to Mahakala Tantra, the number of Sakta Tantras are 64, Up-Tantras (sub-tantras) 321, Samhita 30, Chudamani 100, Daamara in four digits, Yamal 8, sukt 2, Puran 6, Up-Veda 15, Kaksh Puti 3, Kalpashak 8, Kalplata 2, Chintamani 3, Agastya Sukta, Parshuram Sukta, Durvasa Sukta, Dutt Samhita, Pratybhigya, Shakti-Sutra.
In Tantra, 'Shakti' or female power is described in the form of mainly "Dus-Mahavidya", or ten great wisdom knowledge. Tantra's, Maha-Vidyas are divided in two classes,
1. Kali-Kula or family of Maha-Kali and
2. Sri-Kula or family of Sri or Tripur Sundari. Those who worship female power is known as 'Shakta' sect in Hinduism, These are :
1. Maha-Kali, the Dark Goddess, giver or donor the result of every work.
2. Tara, the Star or Sparkling light, bestow Salvation or Liberation, enriched with extreme knowledge.
3. Tripur-Sundari, or Sodhashi, 16 years old charming and beautiful girl with full 16 types of desire.
4. Bhuwaneswari, Creator or Guardian of every element in Universe.
5. Chhinnamasta, Self-Decapitated Goddess.
6. Bahiravi, The Destroyer.
7. Dhumavati, Widow Goddess with Auspiciousness, Unluck, Poorness .
8. Bagalamukhi, the paralyze r Goddess.
9. Matangi, Goddess of Pollution and Black Magic, Music etc.
10. Kamala, Goddess of Luck and wealth.
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Dus Maha-Vidyas |
A word 'Kula or Kula-Gami' is very popular in Tantra, according to 'Shakti-Sangam Tantra', 'Kula or Kula Gami's' are the worshiper or 'Upashak' of Goddess Maha-Kali. 'Mahanirvana Tantra' describes as, generally worshipers used five 'Ma-Kar or panch ma-kar' elements are Kulachar or Kula. Goddess related with Kali's family or 'Kali-Kula' worshiped with 'panca ma-kar' rituals.
There are other three paths called 'Marga' in Tantra, which describe as :
1. Dakshina, followers of Veda, Smriti and Purans.
2. Vama, followers of Veda, Smriti and Agama.
3. Uttara, Followers of Veda and what ever guided by 'Guru' or Master.
Pancha-Ma-Kaar or Panchattavta or Kauladravya, The exercise or spiritual practice, along with Pancha or five elements with starting alphabet the "M". In this method, the worshiper, offers his prayers with five elements starting with the alphabet "M" (in Hindi or Sanskrit it is "म-कार"), which are :
Those who follow the Vira or Heroic, mostly they worship aggressive nature :
1. "Madya" referring to "alcohol, wine, liquor",
2. "Maansa" referring to "flesh or meat",
3. "Matsya" referring to "fish",
4. "Mudra" referring to Yoga done with hand gestures,
5. "Maithun" referring to "Sexual Intercourse",
Those who follow the Pasu or Animals, mostly they worship soft-aggressive nature :
1. Honey, Coconut-Water or Milk instead of Wine,
2. Ginger, Sesamum, Salt or Garlic instead of Meat,
3. Masur Dal or red Sesamum, Red Radish instead of Fish,
4. Barley, Rice instead of Mudra,
5. Surrender like a children in feet of Goddess,
Those who follow the Divya or Devine, mostly they worship soft nature :
1. Maddening realization of the Goddess, gain by Yoga. instead of Wine.
2. He dedicate himself, as he identified as Brahmana, instead of Meat.
3. With Satvik or pure and divine Knowledge, instead of Fish.
4. Giving up the pact with all evil things, which cause bondage, instead of Mudra.
5. Collect the Kundalini Shakti, residing in human head as thousand pelleted chakras or Sahasra Dal Kamal, instead of Maithuna.
It is not compulsory for every scholars observing Tantra or worshiper, who has reached a highest stage in spiritual life, can do this, with the guidance of the Guru or master. As Kularnava Tantra, If inebriety is only the way of accomplishment then every drinker become accomplished or got Siddhi and eating of meat is only the way of libation then, everyone meat eater become pious. There is a proper mystery resides behind this way of worship.
Tantra is also divided according to religion, Hinduism, Buddhism and Jaina. This three division of Tantra are existing in the World, China and Tibet is the most major places, beyond India. Several Sankrit Scripts of Tantras are preserved only in Chinese and Tibet-ion translations and the original scripts being lost. Maha-Vidayas, specially Goddess Tara or mother goddess and Bhairavas is worshiped in China and Tibet, by the followers of Buddhism.
There is a darker side of Tantra also, called as "Sad-Karma" in which Maran (used to kill), Mohan (Used to attract), Ucchatan (Used to harm), Vasikaran (used to got someone), Stambhan (Used to paralyze). After getting the natural powers, some scholars misuses those by harm any body as above described. From ancient days, this kind of works did by Tantriks or scholars of tantra to harm. Before the Birth of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who spread the Vaishnava sect in Bengal, Tantric rituals are very popular in Bengal. During this period most of the Tantriks become selfish and on the path of "asadgami" or untruth full, despicable or bad act or work. They spread a kind of darkness, in which they show they are most powerful, people have to follow the rules made by them, the miss use the power of tantra and scare. This is the darker part of Tantra, about how the Tantric's use the power? It's may be used for worst works or to harm anyone and it's totally depends on the Tantric.
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