Temple of Goddess Ugra Tara in Tarapith
This Temple of "Goddess Ugra Tara in her manifestation of Ugra Tara" is situated in Chandipur village, block Rampurhat of Birbhum District, in West Bengal State, India. This is among one of the fifty-two Shakti Peetha's of Sati(incarnation of Adhya-Shakti and 16th daughter of Prajapati Daksha or King Daksha, who is the son of lord Brahma and ruler of the earth). According to legendary Hindu mythology “Sati” was the first wife of Lord Shiva, who is the lord of Destruction. "Sati" sacrificed herself in the fire of the Yajna (Spiritual Practice of fire-offering to God), held at the home of Sati’s father Prajapati-Daksha, after she had heard disrespectful speeches about her husband Lord Shiva. Sati's father Prajapati-Daksha did not like Shiva (because of his activities related to destruction, his residing in Shamshan or Cremation Ground and his being poor, apply pyre ash on her body and once a head of his father Brahma, was cut by him). He had also not invited Lord Shiva his family and followers, to this Yajna ceremony, even though he had invited each and every one from the entire Universe. When Lord Shiva came to know about the fact that Sati had sacrificed herself in the Yajna, with utter resentment he destroyed the Yajna of Prajapati-Daksha with her incarnation as Maha-Kali and Birbhadra with his millions of followers. After destroying everything, Shiva carried Sati’s dead body over his shoulder and started the “Tandav Nritya” (Dance Macabre) or the dance of destruction, as a result of which destruction of the world had begun. Prajapati (who nourish his people) or Lord Brahma with all Gods, pray to lord Vishnu to protect the earth from Shiva's dance of destruction. When Lord Vishnu (The sustain-er of three worlds, earth, heaven and hades) saw the dance of Lord Shiva, he felt that if Lord Shiva would not stop his process of destruction, everything in this universe would be destroyed. So, he tore the dead body of Sati into pieces using his Sudarshan Chakra (A weapon which is round with cutting teeth and it spins around at a very high speed) . Each piece of her dead body fell at different places, scattered in Indian Sub-Continent, where a "Shakti-Peeth" (Shakti is a feminine term and represents female power in Hinduism) has come into being. Then Lord Shiva calmed down and went to practice strict meditation in his home in Kailash Mountain. It is said that here at Chandipur Village or Tarapith, on the bank of "Dwarka" river, which is north faced, the third eye of Sati had fallen, which symbolized the anger with destruction.Significance of Tarapith
According to old legends, on the banks of the Dwarka river, in a Maha-Shamshan or grate Cremation ground, there was a White Semal (Bombax) Tree, and a pew made up of the skulls of five dead beings called Pancha-Mundi Assan, these five dead beings were, who has died in an accident or premature death, a male, a monkey, a black snake, an elephant and an owl. All these lay next to the White Semal Tree. Maharishi Vashishtha (sage Vashistha) sat down under this white Semal tree and was the first person to worship the "Goddess Ugra Tara" and to spread the significance of her worship among the Hindus. Maharishi Vashishtha’s father Lord Brahma told him to worship Goddess Ugra Tara to attain siddhi (accomplishment), but when he realized that it was not possible to attain siddhi by following the righteous way, he got tired and cursed the "Tara Mantra" that no one would be able to attain accomplishment of Goddess Ugra Tara reciting this mantra (abracadabra). Suddenly a voice boomed from the sky above; it told Vashistha that he did not know the proper way to worship Goddess Ugra Tara. So, he could not expect to be accomplished by Goddess Ugra Tara without accurately knowing and following the proper way of Sadhana (spiritual Practice).The voice also suggested Vashishtha that he should go to (Tibet) China to learn the proper path of getting the blessing of Goddess Ugra Tara or of attaining Siddhi. Vashistha visited (Tibet) China and met Lord Buddha there. When he went near Buddha, he was surprised to find Buddha intoxicate with wine, surrounded with beautiful girls; fish and meat were also served for eating and some naked dancers were dancing with a feeling of lust displayed through their postures. They served alcohol and Buddha was enjoying every thing around him. Vashistha thought that the person from whom he had come to know about the right way of worshiping Goddess Ugra Tara, was himself engaged in some shameful activities. So, he assumed that it was the wrong person and moved away from there. Suddenly, a call came from behind him addressing Vashishtha, that he should not return back. He had come a long way for his work and it was time to satisfy his will.Face, Atire and Adornment of Maa Tara in Tarapith Temple
The dancers around him had pacified and all the materials like alcohol, fish and meat had turned into materials of worship. Lord Buddha knew the actual reason of Vashishtha's coming to him; he advised him to worship and meditate with Panchamakar Vidhi (a type of worship in Tantra being performed with 1. Alcohol (Madya) 2. Meat or Flesh (Maans) 3. Fish (Matsya) 4. Mudra (hand gestures) 5. Maithun (Sexual Intercourse) as a Vira Sadhak did. Buddha also advised him to find out the place where the third eye of Sati had fallen. It would be where the Dwarka river flowing north faced, there is a white semal or bombax tree, and he have to made a pew called as Pancha Mundi Assan, to perform all the rituals over there. Vashistha followed the advice, and found out the place and started worshiping according to the teachings of lord Buddha. Finally, Vashishtha accomplished the blessing of Goddess Ugra Tara and had a holy view of her after chanting three lakh mantras along with all rituals performed with Panchamakar Vidhi. Goddess first came near him in the form of a star or a bit of light as a "Star" and told him to ask for a boon. Vashishtha replied that he was lucky enough to be blessed with the holy Darshan, but if she wanted to grant his prayer, he would ask her to give the blessing that, any one who would chant three lakh mantras sitting on this Pancha-Mundi Assan, she would give Darshan to them. As to this boon given to Vashishtha, till date it is believed that if anyone would chant three lakh mantras sitting here, Goddess Ugra Tara would bestow upon him her blessing and would also give Darshan. Goddess Ugra Tara also asked Vashishtha, that it was up to him to decide the form in which she should incarnate and through which people would know her. She gave Vashishtha this privilege as it was him who had first worshiped her and had made the world aware of her existence. Vashishtha expressed his wish that he wanted to see her in the incarnation of Jagat-Janani (the Mother of the world). Goddess Ugra Tara accepted Vashishtha's request and narrated him a story. During the time of "Samudra Manthan" (churning of oceans), the deadly poison named "Kalkut" was extracted and it was gulped down by Lord Shiva. After gulping it down, Lord Shiva felt a sense of irritation through his whole body. When Adya-Shakti saw this incidence, she converted lord Shiva into an infant by using her extreme power and knowledge and fed him with her breast milk, as a result of which, lord Shiva got relief and Goddess was converted into a stone-statue. This statue is called as "Shila Murti", Still this statue is in temple but according to Goddess advice it's not shown to every one.
Joy Dutta, A bussiness man, first find out this holy place Chandipur

Jivita Kunda :
(name of the pond in the picture, as Joy Dutta's Son became alive when his dead body was dipped into it), All the super-natural power of this area and the appearance of Goddess Ugra Tara before the temple was made was believed to take place in this pond. Finally, Maa Tara gave all Super Natural and Magical powers to Bama Khyapa.
Jivita Kunda in front Tarapith Temple
Temple of Maa-Tara in Tarapith with Idol of Maa Tara inside Temple
Offerings to Goddess "Tara"
According to "Brihadnil Tantra", as described in second chapter :
मधुपर्कं विशेषेण देविप्रीतिकरं परम्।
सन्देश-मुष्णं दद्दाच्च लड्डू-कादि-समन्वितम् ॥२-८३॥
पायसं कृसरं दद्दाच्छर्करा-गुडसंयुक्तम्।
आज्यं दधि मधुन्मिश्रं तथान्नानि निवेदयेत् ॥२ -८४॥
शाल-मत्स्यं च पाठीनं गोधिका-मंस-मुत्तमम्।
अन्नं च मधुना मिश्रं यंत्राद् दद्दाच्च मंत्रवित् ॥२-८६॥
छाग-देवी माँसं तथा देवी रोहितं मतस्य-भर्जितम्।
योनिमुद्रां प्रदर्श्याथ आज्ञां प्राप्य यथाविधि ॥२-८७॥
Flowers : Java Kusum (China Rose) or Java or Gurhal, Aprajita or Nilkanth (Butterfly-Pea), Lotus or Padma or Kamal, Kaner or Oleander, Bilva-Patra (Wood apple tree leafs), these flower are very dear to Goddess Ugra Tara. Garland of these flowers are easily available near to Temple.
Garland : Garland of above flowers, Specially Rudraksha-Garland, a type of seed which is highly suspicious and significant in Hinduism because of, which consider as the tear of Rudra (anger form of lord Shiva), Lemon Garland, Garland of raw lump of Turmeric, "Garland of bones of human beings and as well as animals, Garland of human skull (not for everyone, followers of Tantric rituals)."
Prashad or whatever offer to eat to goddess: Normally she is satisfied with Milk made Peda (a kind of sweet made with milk), But, her favorite Items for eating is, "madhu-mishrit-anya" or honey mixed pulao or rice, All types of fish but specially "Sole and Rahu Fish", Meat of Goat (chag), every type of wine and alcohol (Indian or English), Ganja (Cannabis) and Tobacco for smoke, food prepared with the head of the Fish.
Adornment : She like to adore with the garland of above mentioned, Red and Blue colored Sari and Bangles, Agaru (a Type of traditional perfume powder), Chandan (sandal), Perfumes, Bathing with Gulab Jal (rose water), Wine and Alcohol, Vermilion.
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Kings Attire of Maa Tara in Tarapith Temple |
Asadharon..Thank a lot for providing such an indepth story of Tarapith.
Jai Maa Kali
ReplyDeletedo you mean to say themantra abracadabra was uttered for Tara Ma?